Windsor Community Acupuncture
$43 Everyday for Everyone
Visits consists of a few simple steps:
Appointments are booked online. It only takes a few minutes to schedule an appointment and you will receive an email/text reminder. Once scheduled, you will be expected in the clinic at that time.
You'll receive a welcome email that prompts you to set up an account and fill out a medical intake online.
It's that simple!
Then you just show up! We're located at
8911 Lakewood Dr. Suite 26b Windsor CA 95492
Park, enter the building and go up the stairs. Take a left and go to the end of the hall and you found us. (Take a right if you're using the elevator.)
What a session looks like:
We will talk about your chief concerns and ask a few questions and answer those you might have. Then you will get comfortable in one of our recliners for your treatment and the needles are gently placed. Afterwards all you have to do is rest, relax and enjoy the acupuncture for anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour.
NOTE: You should allow for up to an hour before exiting the clinic. Please schedule accordingly.
After your first treatment you'll be given a new patient packet to take home and read. This information answers most all questions new patients have and gives you good guidance regarding acupuncture, the clinic, and how to make further appointments if needed.
Since most medical conditions will need more than one or two treatments it is very likely you will be recommended a course of treatments that will give you good results. Acupuncture’s effectiveness is cumulative, and patience may be necessary especially if dealing with a long standing health problem. It is important that you do your best to commit to a given treatment plan so that you actually reach your health-goal and don’t miss out on the effectiveness and great benefits of acupuncture. Before leaving the clinic, we will discuss this for a few more minutes and develop a simple plan for you to follow. Don't worry, there is no up-selling or contracts involved in this process. The plan is no more than a guideline which you may choose to follow. It is up to you.
Need more info? Here are some FAQs about acupuncture and the clinic!